Biographical Timeline


Shaikh Muḥammad al-Muḥammad al-Kasnazān after leaving the hospital, Virginia, USA, looking as if he is bidding farewell to his followers, lovers, and the world (early March 2020).

The Shaikh is a medium for good. The Shaikh enjoins good and forbids evil. The Shaikh directs you towards Allah, so he is a medium for good. You do not worship the Shaikh, I seek forgiveness from Allah. No! You worship Allah (exalted and high is He) with knowledge through the Shaikh’s words, through the Shaikh’s orders. The Shaikh enjoins good and forbids evil: good as described in the Book and the Sunna; good as described in Islamic texts. The Shaikh orders you to follow Ṭarīqa, Ṭarīqa that the Shaikhs have decreed. This way is not an innovation of Shaikh Muḥammad. This way is decreed from Allah (exalted and high is He), “Hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided” (Āl ʿImrān 103), “Indeed, those who pledge allegiance to you [O Muḥammad] are pledging allegiance to Allah. The hand of Allah is over their hands” (al-Fatḥ 48:10).

Shaikh Muḥammad al-Muḥammad al-Kasnazān (Sermon, 30 January 2013)

Shaikh Muḥammad al-Muḥammad al-Kasnazān in a dhikr circle, perhaps in the Baghdad takya (middle 1990s).

I have compiled in the following table major events in the life of Shaikh Muḥammad al-Muḥammad al-Kasnazān in chronological order.

Event Date
Born in the village of Karbchna in Sulaymāniyya Friday 15 April 1938
His first marriage Late 1957
Leaving Karbchna to live in the village of Būbān in the province of Penjwin February 1959
Divorce from his first wife 1961
Retiring from political and military involvement with the Kurdish revolution 1966
His second marriage, to sayyida Kažāl Early 1969
The birth of his first son, Nahro 12 December 1969
Shaikh ʿAbd al-Karīm’s announcement that Shaikh Muḥammad al-Muḥammad was his General Deputy January 1971
Settling in Kirkuk until moving to Baghdad in 1982 1971
Performing pilgrimage to Mecca January 1973
Travelling to Cairo to enrol at al-Āzhar University Late 1977
Assuming the Shaikhdom of Ṭarīqa 4 February 1978
Performing ʿumrah The first half of 1978
Starting his first seclusion in Karbchna 26 July 1978
Increasing the number of perennial dhikrs to 100,000 The second half of 1978
Starting his second seclusion in Karbchna 15 July 1979
Starting his third seclusion in Karbchna 4 July 1980
Completion of the construction of the main takya in Baghdad and moving to live there 1982
Renovation of the shrines in Karbchna Middle of 1982
Replacing the crown of the shrine of Shaikh ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Gaylānī 1983
Publication of his first book Al-Anwār al-Raḥmāniyya fīl-Ṭarīqa al-ʿAliyya al-Qādiriyya al-Kasnazāniyya The first half of 1988
Publication of the book Jilāʾ al-khāṭir 1989
Publication of the book Al-Ṣalawāt al-Kasnazāniyya 1990
Proposing the Muḥammadī calendar and starting its implementation 19 September 1991
Sending the first caliph to India to preach 1994
Proposing the Muḥammadī Shamsī calendar and starting its implementation 2 May 1994
Adding al-Ṣalāt al-Waṣfiyya to the dhikrs of Ṭarīqa July 1996
Publication of the book Al-Ṭarīqa al-ʿAliyya al-Qādiriyya al-Kasnazāniyya 1998
Arrival in London, UK, for medical treatment 26 April 2000
Migration from Baghdad to Sulaymāniyya 21 December 2000
Travelling to the USA for medical treatment 2003
Founding the Shaikh Muḥammad al-Kasnazān University College (al-Salām University College) 2003
Travelling to the USA for medical treatment 2004
Pulication of Mawsūʿat al-Kasnazān fīmā aṣṭalaḥa ʿalayhi ahlu al-taṣṣawuf wal-ʿirfān 2005
Renovation of the shrine of Shaikh Ismāʿīl al-Wilyānī in ʿAqra and clothing it in a gold shroud 9 May 2006
Being awarded the “Arab Historian Medal” and the “Arab History Certificate” by the Union of Arab Historians May 2006
Migration from Sulaymāniyya to Amman, Jordan 2 August 2007
Having a kidney transplant in the USA 2010
Receiving the Ḥizb al-Wāw 2013
Travelling to the USA for medical treatment 2014
Adding this dhikr to the daily wirds: Astaghfiru Allah al‑ladhī Lā ilāha illā Huwa ar-Raḥmān ar-Raḥīm al-Ḥayyu al-Qayyūm al‑ladhī lā yamūt wa-atūbu ‘ilayhi Rabbī ighfir lī March 2016
Being called Muḥammad al-Muḥammad by the Prophet (PBUH) 18 May 2016
Being awarded the title of “caliph” by the Shaikhs of Ṭarīqa 22 June 2016
Travelling to the USA for medical treatment 22 July 2016
Adding one hundred repetitions of lā ilāha illā Allah to Wird al-ʿAṣr 28 January 2018
Travelling to the USA for medical treatment 24 June 2019
Departing this world to Allah’s mercy 4 July 2020

.Louay Fatoohi 2004-2024. All rights reserved
