Israel’s Chosenness in the Qur’an

The Hebrew Bible presents the Israelites as God’s perpetually chosen people. Historically, Christians claimed that the Church replaced the Jews as God’s chosen people, but in the last two centuries, a strong movement has developed that considers Israel to still be chosen, in addition to the Church. Christianity inherited from Judaism its misunderstanding of “chosen” as meaning “best”, which is irreconcilable with the history of both faiths. On the other hand, discussions of this concept in the Qur’an consistently conflate different terms and concepts. This video brings new insights to show the Qur’an’s clear, consistent, and compelling explanation of the chosenness of the Israelites. It reveals the misrepresentation of this concept in Judaism, which Christianity inherited. It concludes that the chosenness of Israel ended when the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was sent by Allah as the last Prophet.


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