The Holy Land in the Qur’an: Descriptions, Location, Ownership, and Function

The Qur’an describes the holy land using two specific terms: “mubaraka” (blessed) and “muqaddasa” (holy). While the Qur’an agrees with the Bible that God gave the holy land to the Israelites, it rejects the Biblical claim that Allah gave it to them for perpetual ownership. This temporary lease of the land was linked to the function and task for which the Israelites were chosen by God. When that chosenness ended, the assignment of the land to the Jews also expired. Unlike the Bible, which makes the Israelites the focus of history, the Qur’an does not make the holy land the exclusive ownership of any one ethnicity or group of people. It also rejects the Biblical claim that the Israelites are a holy people, as it does not consider any ethnic group to be holy.


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